
Here’s what our clients have to say about our services –

Dear Madhvi,I want to thank you for facilitating the exceptionally helpful mindfulness session for our faculty yesterday. Everyone commented about your expertise, not only in the explanation of the importance of mind/body balance but also in the way that you so expertly guided us through the session. Your soothing voice and clear suggestions encouraged each of us to rid ourselves of tasks and simply be in the moment, clearing our heads and rejuvenating our bodies. I noticed faculty members today reminding one another to breathe!!!

My best,
Jacque Negus
Head of School,
Quest Academy
Palatine IL, USA
All information shared by Shobhna is precise and trusted.  We have incorporated a lot of changes to our lifestyle. Even though it seems tough at the beginning but deep inside we know those information and diets will make us achieve our goals.  We are still continuing our journey to a healthy living and embracing all those holistic changes advised by Shobhna with a positive approach.  Now we realize what “You are what you eat!” really means after my wife lost 4KG of weight and we started feeling our energy level at its peak – Avinash, personal coaching client
Madhvi hosted 2 different Networking Lounges during our WE Local India Virtual Conference. The conference was attended by nearly 1,450+ participants throughout India and 14 other representing countries. Her live networking lounges, The A.R.T of Self Love and Workplace Mindfulness, were some of the top attended sessions of the event. The lounges Madhvi held were an integral part of this conference, and she managed the task ever so gracefully. Our team appreciated her flexibility, positivity, and the wealth of knowledge shared with our participants – Dolores Manella, Coordinator,  Global Programs and Executive Office, Society of Women Engineers

“Thank you so much Shobhna ma’m for providing such wonderful guidance throughout your sessions. I always looked forward for our sessions and you really helped me feel blessed and lively. Your tasty and at the same time healthy recipes have completely changed my perception towards healthy food. You are an incredible nutritionist and I feel so blessed to be able to work with you. You had given personal attention as per my comfort level. You are such a sweet and wonderful soul. I wish to have a long session and will definitely approach you in the near future :). “- Jaya, personal coaching client

“NutriGuide LEAN workshop was awesome! It provided simple and easy to follow guidelines on how we can switch some of the ingredients in our daily cooking to make it more healthy. We don’t have to give up on foods we like, but eat in moderation and but just use healthy substitutes. I have tried a couple of snacks that were shared and were so yummy e.g.. brownies from black beans. Thank you NutriGuide!” – Vaishali, Attendee, NutriGuide LEAN Workshop

“The speaker was good and so calm. Things we all know we need to do day in and day out , we sometimes need a reminder from someone else. Madhvi took time to make sure we relax and have a dream and overall love oneself.”

“Thank you for sharing the valuable information. Good to have these kinds of sessions in corporate companies as well to help the workforce.”

Attendees, A.R.T. of Self Love Networking Lounge attendee, WE Local India

“How important it is to love yourself first to be able to love everyone else was explained in very simple way.”

“Bringing all the best tools and concepts together – Reflection, Visualization, Self Forgiveness, and Power of Yet

Attendees, Chatwithus.org, on A.R.T. of Self Love Workshop