Detox Series 1 -Ancient practice to detoxify your body through Oil Pulling

Our body is constantly exposed to germs and toxins. Our mouth is the gateway for many germs, micro-organisms, and toxins to enter our system. Pathogens in our mouth can enter your bloodstream to circulate to other parts of the body. Therefore, it is very important to keep our mouths germ free for a healthy body.

Oil Pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that has been used as a great tool for detoxification.  Oil pulling is the act of swishing oil (usually Sesame or Coconut) in the mouth for up to 20 minutes, preferably in the morning.

It is believed that this practice reduces bacterial growth in your mouth, strengthens your teeth and reduces inflammation in your gums.

Besides brushing and flossing twice a day, I have been doing oil pulling with Coconut oil for the last couple of years and have observed many health benefits like whiter teeth, better immunity and improved overall health.  Sometimes,  mucus is also eliminated from my system, as the coconut oil “pulls” the harmful bacteria from my body.

Oil pulling has been shown to reduce the number of Streptococcus Mutans bacteria in the mouth, especially when done with coconut oil. There are 17 different studies done on oil pulling with similar findings.

The process of oil pulling is very simple but it takes time, effort and commitment to make it a habit.

To get started, all you need is  Raw, organic coconut oil .

  1. First thing in the morning before you brush your teeth or drink anything – take a tablespoon of coconut oil and put it in your mouth
  2. Gently swish it in your mouth and between your teeth for 10–20 minutes
  3. Spit out the oil in the trash (not the sink so it doesn’t clog up the plumbing)  and immediately rinse your mouth out with warm water
  4. There – you are done.

Simple. Right!

Here are some of the strategies that might help to adopt this practice:

  • In the morning when I am packing my kid lunches and preparing breakfast, that is the time when I oil pull. There are no distractions and I love the quiet me time.
  • You can do it when you are in the shower – 10 minutes go by really fast
  • You can also try doing it while driving to work. All you need to do is carry a plastic bag to dispose of the spit when done.
  • Start doing it 3-5 times a week. I promise once you start doing it, you would want to do it every day. The squeaky, clean mouth feeling that you get after oil pulling is very pleasant.
  • It will be hard at first so try with a small quantity of oil and increase the amount as you get more comfortable with the process.
  • Most importantly – don’t spit it out in sink or toilet. It can clog the pipes. Always do it in a trash can.

Oil pulling is a common Ayurvedic practice that can help you get whiter teeth, treat tooth decay, kill bad breath, heal bleeding gums,  reduce inflammation, prevent cavities, heal cracked lips, boost the immune system and much more. You should start seeing the benefits in about a week of following the process.

I strongly recommend Coconut oil for oil pulling because of its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

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