Have you ever wondered:
- Why some people eat a high-fat diet and not gain a single pound or develop any health issues while it is completely opposite for others?
- Why two people living under one roof, eating the exact same foods have different nutrition-related health issues?
- Why your weight loss attempts do not give optimum results but others have achieved success in the same program?
- Diet can be a serious risk factor for a number of diseases.
- Common dietary chemicals can act on the human genome to alter gene activity or gene structure.
- The degree to which diet influences the balance between healthy or diseased states may depend on an individual’s genetic makeup.
- Some diet-regulated genes (and their normal, common variants) are likely to play a role in the onset, severity and progression of chronic diseases.
- Dietary intervention based on knowledge of nutritional requirement, nutritional status and a person’s genotype can prevent, mitigate or even cure chronic disease.