A power nap is a nap that’s long enough to get you recharged, but not so long that it makes you groggy.
Most people lean on caffeine to stay productive and charged. However, Power napping is fun and efficient way that not only will recharge your body but also boost your memory, cognitive skills, creativity, and energy level. It is usually between lunch and dinner time and lasts about 10-30 minutes.
I am a power napper. On weekends, few minutes after lunch, I will take a quick 10-15 minutes nap and wake up recharged, energized and ready for my next thing!! My mental alarm (which I call a pillow alarm) wakes me up exactly when I desired to be up – in most cases 10 minutes. I believe I inherited this gift of power napping from my dad.
Benefits of Power Napping:
- Boost Productivity
- Improves Memory
- Reduces Blood Pressure
- Reduces Stress
- Improves Mood
Photo credit : https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Computer_Cat_Nap.jpg